How Do You Get the Darkest Tan in a Tanning Bed?

If you are a newbie to tanning, you might not know the various tips and tricks used to achieve a darker tan. Fret not – let’s walk through tanning bed tips to get you the most out of this world tan, together!

More and more people are turning to indoor tanning, especially those who reside in countries that receive less sunlight or have long drawn-out winters. Everyone wonders how to maximize the effects of each tanning session and how to prolong the time between sessions. Well, let’s talk about it!

We have gathered seven essential tanning tips to keep in mind beyond picking a good quality dark tanning bed lotion!

Tanning Bed Tips

1. Exfoliation is key

Exfoliating your skin is the first and foremost thing that will give you a darker, more even tan from a tanning bed. This is because the topmost layer of the skin consists of dead skin cells, and only this layer is exposed to the tanning lamps. Dead skin cells are shed naturally, and exfoliation can speed up the process of exfoliation. Now, the UV rays can penetrate evenly, leading to a solid and long-lasting tan.

2. Choose your clothing

Tanning naked is the best option to receive UV exposure. Most people start with a bikini because it exposes the entire body while protecting sensitive parts. Tanning naked will develop a better tan without awkward tan lines. Remember to remove any makeup or cosmetic products from your skin that may react with the UV rays or cause a splotchy tan.

3. Keep your skin soft and hydrated

Hydrated and healthy skin will acquire a deeper tan. Moisturize the skin thoroughly and drink plenty of water before each tanning session. Look for ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, ceramides, cocoa butter, and coconut milk in your moisturizers.

4. Pick great dark tanning bed lotions

You must be wondering why tanning bed lotions are highly important here. High-quality tanning lotions speed up the process immensely. Tanning lotions also work by retaining the tan on your skin for an extended period. They help prevent the patchy orange spots that ruin your appearance. Indoor tanning lotions usually have added moisturizers to keep the skin from drying and prevent burns and rashes. Bronzers can accentuate and enhance the base tan and take it to the next level.

There are different kinds of dark tanning bed lotions out there. Ensure you are selecting one with quality ingredients and enhancers that are formulated to achieve your desired results. There are tanning sprays, bronzers, tan extenders, facial bronzers, and so much more.

5. Stand up tanning beds

The unique design of standing tanning beds allows for a better emission of UV rays for faster tanning. In addition, it will enable your skin to get exposed uniformly. Thus, it’s crucial to choose an appropriate tanning bed since stand-up ones are deemed a practical option compared to horizontal tanning beds. We recommend looking for a full spectrum of UVA and UVB radiations for a seamless experience. Taking longer breaks between tanning sessions can also give you undesirable effects; therefore, schedule tanning sessions at regular intervals to achieve the perfect ‘beach bronze’ look!

6. Apply a tan extender

Tan extenders are used to maintain your fresh tan for longer periods. Grab a good quality tan extender containing argan oil and shea butter, which kills two birds with one stone.

7. Avoid waxing and shaving post-session

Waxing and shaving both remove the topmost layer of the skin, similar to exfoliation, and exfoliation is only appropriate before the tanning session. Exfoliation of any kind after the session will remove the freshly tanned skin. So if you need to wax or shave, do it before you tan!

Other things to remember while tanning

Tanning responsibly is important. UVA and UVB light can damage your skin if you aren’t using the right products for the job. Tanning beds are designed to get you tanned with short bursts of exposure to keep you safer, and they require specific products to achieve this. Outdoor tanning is less controlled and less predictable. You need completely different protection products outdoors. No matter how or where you choose to soak in the light, do it responsibly.

Wrapping Up

These tips will help you in the quest to achieve the most stunning bronze tan on your body. Plus, if you are running on a busy schedule or prefer not to get overexposed to UV rays, tanning beds offer a controlled environment with short time frames, voila!