How Laser rejuvenation works

Just because we age, does not mean we can’t age well. The years may pass but we don’t have to let our body and face show it. With technology and science on our side, there are many anti-aging solutions available, and laser rejuvenation Aptos CA might be a great option for you!

What is Laser rejuvenation?

The word laser and your skin can be a scary sounding combination, but this is not a laser from a science fiction show. LASER stands for light amplification by stimulating emission of radiation. In essence, a laser used in dermatology is a skin resurfacing system that improves skin tone and texture through harnessing the power of light and heat. Like creating muscle tissue, laser rejuvenation in Aptos CA destroys certain parts of your skin cells and rebuilds it. The light and heat are absorbed only by the cells that have excess pigment. This is an effective destruction of certain cells while leaving the surrounding tissue undamaged.

What can laser rejuvenation work on?

Our skin gets damaged over the years. There is damage from the sun, natural aging and the environment. Our skin can be damaged from acne, causing scaring (although laser treatments may not be a good option for active acne). Our face can also show spider veins and redness. When getting laser rejuvenation in Aptos CA, all these concerns can be addressed. The laser can remove the surface layer of skin while heating up the deeper tissue and stimulating the growth of collagen, a protein is found in the connective tissue, and responsible for plumping up the skin.

Laser rejuvenation in Aptos CA also includes hair removal.

Although laser rejuvenation is often thought of as something that is done only on the face, there are many other options. Women and men alike can use laser treatment to tighten the skin in their most private areas. Laser treatments can also remove hair, by emitting a light that is absorbed by the pigment and damages the hair follicles. Laser hair removal can deal with unwanted facial and body hair, but not everyone is a good candidate.

The decision has been made what do I need to know?

One of the first questions asked is will it hurt? The answer is maybe a little, depending on your tolerance for pain. Having laser rejuvenation in Aptos CA feels like a rubber band snapping. There may be some tenderness involved, but a cooled treatment tip on the laser may be used to reduce discomfort. How long will it take? Most treatments are under ten minutes but can take up to thirty minutes. You may also need multiple treatments depending on the reason for the treatments. There can be redness following the treatment, but this should subside after a few days. If using laser treatment for pigmentation correction, brown spots may temporarily be seen.

Ensure that you speak to a technician when booking your appointment to address any of your concerns and to ensure that laser treatment is the right decision for you. They may review your medical history, including any medication that you are taking, and existing physical ailments.


Laser rejuvenation in Aptos CA is a way to help with self-confidence and self-esteem, for women and men alike. By using heat and light, your body can be reformed into a younger, healthier you. Although you may turn heads after your treatment, laser rejuvenation is about forming your body into something that you feel proud about.