Tanning Bed Lotion

It seems like just yesterday you were grabbing your swim wear and heading to the beach to soak in the sun. During the spring you put in the work to get your skin ready for the summer tanning season by hitting the tanning beds and getting a good base tan. But now, summer has come and gone, and the chill of fall is in the air. Tanning at the beach is no longer an option, but of course you want to maintain that summer glow all winter. It is time to get the tanning bed lotions back out and head back to the salon.

Types of lotions:

There are many different types of tanning bed lotions available, and they all work on your skin a little differently. Selecting the right one for your skin can be challenging and overwhelming. Here is a breakdown of some of the features you may find in the tanning lotions you come across.

• One of the most important tanning bed lotion aspects is the moisturizer. Moisturizers prevent the skin from drying out and allow for a more even tan. Some moisturizers are more potent than others, so be sure you select a product that uses a quality moisturizer, like shea butter.

• Bronzer is another crucial part of a tanning bed lotion formula. This helps provide that sun kissed look after a tanning session. Bronzers contain Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) that darkens your skin. Bronzer will also increase the melanin production of your skin, which is what makes your skin darken to begin with.

• Tanning bed lotions are designed to allow a faster tan than what is achieved by laying in the sun. Some tanning lotions contain a maximizer or accelerator. This lotion is used to intensify the ultraviolet light being absorbed into your body. This will accelerate the tanning process. Maximizer and accelerator tanning lotions also protect your skin from being burned. Accelerators are used for those just starting their tanning bed process as it helps create a base tan. Maximizers are used after the base tan is established when you want to continue tanning. Maximizers do not have as much moisturizer in them.

• Tingle tanning bed lotions are also known as hot action lotions (they can also be part of a maximizer tanning lotion). These lotions are used to increase the circulation in the skin and promote cell oxygenation. This increase of blood flow can result in a warm or tingling sensation and may even feel warm on the skin. Tinglers are not recommended for those who are just beginning to use tanning beds. Tinglers also promote the effectiveness of the UV rays. This lotion can speed up the production of melanin for a faster, darker tan.

There are many benefits of using tanning bed lotions during your session. Many lotions contain ingredients that are designed not only to produce the best tan but also to help keep your skin safe and reduce aging.

Here are a few common ingredients and what they do:

• Silicon- this is used as a moisturizer to condition your skin

• Hemp Seed Oil- this is another moisturizer used in the lotion. It also can protect from the UV lights

• Caffeine- this reduces puffiness that can occur from the tanning bed

• Vitamin A (Beta-carotene)- this enhances skin pigmentation and can give a darker tan

• Vitamin E – reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and other skin imperfections, like scarring.

• Mica- this is a naturally occurring light reflecting particle that gives your skin a shimmering glow

Tanning beds are common throughout North America and should only be used under the supervision of those trained to operate them safely. When using a tanning bed, be sure to use the proper tanning bed lotion. Using the wrong kind of lotion can not only wreck the tanning beds but also can cause injury to your skin. Consulting with tanning bed technicians will ensure you get the right, safe amount of UV exposure and that you choose a good lotion formula to achieve your tanning goals.

Using the right tanning bed lotion will give you a beautiful glow and keep your skin safe and healthy.